Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Broadway-The American Musical

As Julie Andrews guided us through the history of Broadyway I was amazed to see the rapid change and cultural impact it had. To my surpise the liberation of women started by a glamorous Broadway producer Florence Ziegfeld. Thanks to his glorification of the American women we have birth control and hooters. Also during this time, whites continued their racial debauchery with minstrel skits painting their faces black and acting with an exagerated southern twang. As women skirts got shorter, African Americans entered the theater and Jazz struck gold. George Grishmen bridged the black and white musical community creating what he called "artistic unitity." Broadway's evolution to fragmented stories can also be credited to Grishmen. Its boggling to think these are the few people that set the bar for entertainment, influenced the growth of New York and united the melting pot of cultures in America.

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