Thursday, October 9, 2008

Revenge of the nerds!

its amazing to think the technology we take for granted everyday was only a glimmer in some nerds eye forty years ago. The first computers, for lack of better term, remind me of the first telephones. With someone maning the switchboard on one giant machine that has barely any purpose. Although the ENAC did have one important purpose, decode messages during WWII. By the time the first personal computer hit the market nerds were on top of their game. The Altier, named after the one and only star wars, revolutionized the market. Although the new device was far from user friendly it was a glimpse into the future of the world. Through specialized applications the computer slowly transformed from a strict businesss tool to a means of entertainment and communcation with the internet. Still baffeling me about this whole process is the actual way the information is decoded and then transfered. I understand that a bit is 1 or 0 and 8 bits equals a byte but i just cant grasp how that can be trasformed into the music, games, art and communication we come to expect from the computer and internet. Im extremely thankful someone understood it as I depend on the computer more then my car or phone!

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