Friday, November 28, 2008

Communication Breakdown Cont....

For my performance art I wanted to stress how much face to face communication we have lost with technology. In the business world, one can communication strictly through email avoiding personal communication completely. Who needs a hand shake when you can have letterhead? When you hit the dating scene not much changes. Dont have the balls to ask her on a date, well just shoot her a text then boys! Although my dinner date using stictly text messaging is an exaggeration of personal communication it also touches on the cell phone becomign your sixth finger. Im completely guilty of this myself, but you would be hardpressed to find a college kid who isnt armed 24/7 with their cell phone. I think the old phrase "boys cant live with them, cant live with out thme" should simply be substituted with cellphones.


ckumka said...

Your representation of what 'dinner for two' is like or will eventually become was comical, but true. I thought you did a very good job!

Flimsy Sensation said...

Very very very nice idea ..

date with "txt messeges

love it ..

Shawn Rubin said...

I enjoyed your performance. I just wish I knew what the texts said, good job

Ciara Ross said...

i really liked your performance, it was funny because it is so true!

tasermely said...

this was very interesting. sometimes i do feel that people need to start communicating more effectively!!

berni M said...

i see people who are out to dinner all the time do this- even when its just them! nice job.. totally got the point across